Cert II in Hairdressing

Certificate II in hairdressing is designed as a pre-vocational qualification to provide the basic skills to becoming a salon assistant for people who have the necessary skills to interact and engage in the workforce with colleagues and clients alike. This course will provide you with an overall representation of the role of a hairdresser as well as some real-world aptitudes in hairdressing.

Certificate II can act as a pathway to gaining an apprenticeship to Certificate III in Hairdressing, although cert II is beneficial to some it is not a necessity for everyone. Completing a pre-apprenticeship can show that you’re a dedicated individual and that you are serious about pursuing your career as a hairdresser.

During the course you will participate in workshops and work on mannequins and clients alike as well as participate in written work and group discussions. You will be trained in practical skills such as writing your resume, preparing for an interview and enhancing your communication skills as well as practical tasks such as:

  • Applying Shampoo and treatments.
  • Blow drying.
  • Styling.
  • Applying colour.
  • Braiding.
  • Massage.

The duration of this course varies for different institutes but generally can be completed in three months and you may also be able to apply have some of these units credited towards your certificate III Apprenticeship.

Certificate II is known as a Traineeship or Pre-Apprenticeship.

Click here to read about cert III in hairdressing via an Australian apprenticeship.
Click here to read about cert III in hairdressing via full time study.
Click here to read about cert IV in hairdressing.

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Building your Brand

Why do some people excel in their careers and other stagnate? Some people are naturally more driven than others and some people just don’t know where to start. We have compiled a few point to keep you on the right path and striving for excellence.

Throughout the course of your career you will no doubt be drawn to a particular field that you enjoy or excel in, or maybe you are still looking for that niche area. But once you find it, run with it and own it, don’t be afraid to blow your own trumpet, if you are good enough people will recognise your skills and you will be rewarded.

Set yourself mini goals as well as long term goals, ask yourself where you want to be six months and where will you be in 5 years and make it happen. Believe in yourself and put your strategies in place. Don’t let anyone hold you back or tell you not to strive for what you believe you ca achieve.

It’s not what you know it’s who you know, it’s a well-known saying and true to an extent but of course you won’t get very far in the hair industry without having the necessary skills and talent behind you. But networking and connecting with people is a must for any would be entrepreneur or career driven individual.
Expand you circle by going to events and conventions, this helps you to make new connections and don’t be afraid to talk to people and make new acquaintances, you have to really put yourself out there and sell yourself. But it’s also listen to people too, everyone likes to talk and have someone to listen to their story and you can learn a lot from other people’s experiences.
Keeping an open mind and Staying open to new opportunities that are presented to you, it might not be exactly what you are looking for at that given point but you just never know what it could lead to in the future.

Don’t stop learning, don’t make the mistake of finishing your studies and thinking that you are done with the classroom, you’re not! It’s so important to stay abreast of current trends and to never stop trying to better yourself. Don’t be afraid to go back to studying to gain more knowledge in a particular area.
Build you brand and focus on selling and promoting your business. The best place to start is ensuring you keep a strong presence on Facebook, twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms, however we would definitely recommend Instagram as a good place to start by showing current trends and posting your latest styles to keep your followers interested.

Get yourself online, a good website design will really show off your personal style and accomplishments, not only is this the façade of your brand but you can use it to build your clientele using search engine optimisation (SEO) to gain traction on google and other search engines and set yourself apart from your competition. These days websites don’t need to cost you an arm and a leg, sites such as Wix lets you build your own beautiful website at a fraction of the cost of going through a professional web design studio.

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Cert IV in Hairdressing

Certificate IV in hairdressing is designed to build on the previously obtained skills of Certificate III in Hairdressing. Occupational expertise in the hairdressing industry is a prerequisite for this course.

It is intended to build on your pre-existing technical skills and knowledge and develop into mastering of niche styles on the form of complex colouring and innovative cutting as well as an increased knowledge of practical training, leadership skills and providing support to colleagues. This course is a necessity for anyone who would like to refine their skills and who wants to progress in their career as a hairdresser and move onto other avenues in the hairdressing industry while building a dynamic portfolio along the way.

Certificate IV can be studied at various institutes within Australia so it is advisable to do your research before picking an establishment. Ensure that you choose a reputable institute and be sure to compare what is provided and the course prices as these can greatly vary.

Click here to read about cert II in hairdressing.
Click here to read about cert III in hairdressing via an Australian apprenticeship.
Click here to read about cert III in hairdressing via full time study.

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Hairdressing Interview Questions & Tips

All too often job seekers blunder their way through the interview process stumbling from response to response. But the majority of the questions that are asked in an interview are standard across the board so there is no excuse for not being prepared at least for the more likely questions.

Everybody has strengths and weaknesses, what is your greatest weakness?
This is a hard one, its not entirely a bad thing to be up front about your flaws but balance it by showing how you turn a negative into a positive. Minimize your weakness by advising them what you do to overcome this. For example, “I am working on my shyness by taking a short course in public speaking”

Give an example of an idea or a suggestion you have made that has been implemented in a previous role.
The key word in this question is “implemented”, there is no point bringing up all the potential ideas you have had throughout you employment history if none of them have actually played out. Have a good think about this and prepare an answer to this no matter how insignificant your idea may seem.

What do you know about our salon?
Do your homework before turning up for any interview, ensure you visit the salon or company and do some online research, visit their website and read their about us page. Familiarize yourself with their goals and ethos, however do not go overboard in the interview with facts on them. Just enough to let them know you have took an interest into their brand and it aligns with your personal philosophy.

Why would you like to work here?
What the interviewer is trying to determine with this questions is wither this is just the 50th job you have sent your resume to or if in fact your values fall in line with their values. They want to know if your mindset falls in line with their mind set and are you both striving for the same outcome.

Why did you leave your previous role?
Ensure you respond to this question in a positive manner without bagging or being negative about your previous employer. Let them know that you want to expand your portfolio or gain more experience and you think you can do this at their salon while bringing to the table your knowledge and skills etc.

Why should we hire you?
This is that stage in the interview where you can summarize your education, skills and experience as well as placing emphasis on your strengths, highlight what you can bring to the table and how this can be of advantage to the salon. However make sure you can back it all up with real life examples of when you put all these fortes into practice. And ensure that you portray yourself as that driven, self-confident and enthusiastic person who is always ready to go the extra mile in your role.

What are your salary expectations?
This is a tough one although it is an advantage if the employer brings it up first. Prepare yourself by researching the average going rate for the role you are applying for before the interview. When responding you could answer a question with a question by asking what their pay typical pay bracket is for someone of your skills and experience.

Do you have any questions for us?
Always go to an interview prepared with at least a few questions to ask the employer. Think about what you want to get out of the interview, remember, you are interviewing them as much as they are interviewing you. Questions regarding the business itself are a good start as this shows you are keen to make a contribution, also asking how they encourage personal development as you are always trying to better yourself.

So these are the questions that they will likely be asking you in one form or another, but be aware of your rights and what you are not legally obliged to disclose. At no time should you be asked what age you are, about your religion, if you have children and if so how many, if you have any form of disability and they should not be asking about your previous sick leave. All of these items are discriminatory in nature and you are under no obligation to answer them. That being said it doesn’t mean that questions like this won’t come up directly or indirectly every now and again, if you are faced with a query to this nature then ask yourself about the intent of the question and perhaps truly how much you want this job. You will have to decide how you go forward from here, but educating yourself on what is appropriate and what is inappropriate before you go in to the interview is always an advantage.

Tip – We all know how important first Impressions can be and arriving for a job interview is probably one of the most important occasions for you to ensure you are dressed presentably and arrive on time. Ensure you switch off your mobile and don’t just put it on silent, you can imagine the awkwardness of everyone in the room hearing it relentlessly buzzing away in your bag.

Tip – Don’t be afraid to ask for a moment to collate your thoughts before answering. Taking the time to answer a question thoughtfully and thoroughly is far better than mumbling on and having your answer go nowhere as you were not prepared for it.

Tip – As previously covered don’t leave your interview without finding everything out about the role and environment that you can, remember if you get this job you will be going there every day for the hopefully the next few years so ensure you have asked everything you would want to know.

Tip – Don’t be afraid to follow up with the employer if you don’t hear back within the advised time period. If the employees advises that you were unsuccessful you could gently probe them to understand why you were not the right fit for their role and if there is anything they feel you could improve on for your next interview.

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Cert III in Hairdressing Apprenticeship

Certificate III is the minimum qualification level required for practitioners of hairdressing in Australia and is best suited for people who prefer on the job learning, who are keen to develop a solid relationship with a salon and who can commit to long term training in return for government funding. This apprenticeship normally takes three to four years to complete.

You will have to pursue employment in a salon who are willing to hire and register you as their apprentice. Your new employer will nominate a Registered Training Organisation (RTO).

No formal educational entry requirements are required for this course, however school students must have completed Year ten of high school. You could possibly improve your chances of gaining this apprenticeship if you have already completed certificate II, you may also qualify for an advanced standing for some of these completed units.

As you journey from apprentice to junior stylist you will be required to support the salon and the other staff with services that can include:

  • Applying Shampoo and treatments.
  • Simple haircuts.
  • Applying colour.
  • Foiling.
  • Perming hair.
  • Styling.
  • Blow drying.
  • Welcoming clients
  • Taking bookings.
  • Selling products.
  • Building a clientele.

You will also be a representative of your salon and their brand so you will be required to maintain a professional image and attitude both on and off the job.

Once you have completed this course and the on site training you will then be qualified as a hairdresser, depending on your career aspirations you could contemplate doing other post-trade courses that include a cert iv hairdressing in Hairdressing or a Diploma of Salon Management.

Click here to read about cert II in hairdressing.
Click here to read about cert III in hairdressing via full time study.
Click here to read about cert IV in hairdressing.

Hairdresser training requirements can vary from state to state so please select your state below to get specialist information on your state.
Australian Capital Territory – (02) 6205 8555
New South Wales – 13 28 11
Northern Territory – (08) 8901 1357
Queensland – 1800 210 210
South Australia – 1800 673 097
Tasmania – 1800 655 846
Victoria – (03) 9651 9999
Western Australian – 13 19 54

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